Vaccinate or Vacci-hate

They’re your kids. You can do what you want with them, right? Actually, no. The wonderful American tradition of individual liberty stops well short of the entitlements claimed by the parents opposed to vaccinations who have contributed to the alarming measles outbreak centered in California
There's a reason why people with leprosy were exiled.  There's a reason why people who contracted tuberculosis were shut up in institutions.  It was so they wouldn't infect anyone else. And those diseases are pretty much gone from our society. So maybe we should exile non-vaccinated children who get sick so they can't hurt anyone else.  I'm beginning to think that the no vaccine crowd just don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.  I hear them saying "What if it hurts my child?" Well, what about all the other children?  What if their child hurts another by infecting them?  Will they do anything to help...or just walk away?
What about polio, will they not vaccinate against that.  Why don't they think about the children that cannot have the vaccine because of medical reasons, what happens to those children, who could be in life threatening conditions if contracting these preventable diseases. This is a public health issue, not a parent issue.
Unfortunately, this trivialization of liberty is not just an isolated phenomenon but a mushrooming national problem. In the most recently completed session of Congress, legislators introduced more than 20 bills invoking “liberty” and more than 150 in the cause of “freedom”.

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