It’s very sad, but not really that surprising. Look at her role model parents. The addictions of those around you whether it be friends or family either disgust you into never becoming like them or make you want to join them. Seems she wants to join her mother. The saddest thing is that suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem. Young people, especially those who have lost loved ones to suicide, need to be very carefully counseled as they are at a much higher risk of making this choice in a moment of despair and weakness.
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown were two of the biggest stars in the music industry during the 80s and early 90s. All those big #1 hits...all those millions of dollars... Most of it went up their noses, and they refused to stop even after they had this kid. So sad that a family blessed with so much ended up having so little. Despite all their money and fame, Whitney and Bobby got the kid off to a very bad start. What choice do you really have as a kid when you grow up with parents who're snorting coke and smoking crack around you all the time? It really is a shame to see such a pretty young life have to go through such hard times. No matter what your opinion of Whitney and Bobby is, this is sad.
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