No one has ever claimed any vaccine is 100% safe. What the medical community agrees on is without modern vaccination our population would be 1/2 what it is as millions would have continue to die. Vaccinations DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM! 100's of millions of people have been vaccinated over decades and decades. Autism is a recent development and not matter how many times Jenny McCarthy quotes some quack, it will never end up being true. Obviously something is causing this at these new alarming rates but it is not vaccinations. I say it can be attributed to the gross amounts of chemicals that in our food that wasn't in it 20 years ago. Now they want to point the finger at something, someone, anything and vaccines become the target? It’s bad; something that can prevent a child's death? Insanity!
Small pox is eradicated from the world and is "NEVER" going to come back. Does anyone know why? We must vaccinate the whole world against measles. Sounds impossible? Nothing is impossible if we put our money where it is needed the most. If we can do it for small pox we can do it for viral diseases. Let's "NOT" forget we are increasingly becoming part of global unit day by day. Once they are all eradicated we don't need to vaccinate anyone anymore "EVER", just like we don't vaccinate anyone for small pox anymore.
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