Holy ISIS Low Life

A purported statement by the Islamic State group claimed that an American female hostage was killed in a Jordanian airstrike on Friday on the outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, the militant group's main stronghold. This statement has no credibility.
This comes from the same people who killed a Jordanian pilot and still tried to convince the world he was alive and available for an exchange of prisoners. It was confirmed that the pilot was killed a month ago and there is also some question about when the two Japanese prisoners were executed. For all we know this woman could have been killed at any time before today and by any means. This is an attempt by ISIS to drive a wedge between the US and Jordan.
ISIS woke up a new enemy in Jordan, something they did not anticipate. Within a few days Jordan has now organized a full fledge war against Isis for the way they killed their pilot by setting him on fire in a cage. Isis is responsible for her death.
ISIS is composed of deviant LOW LIFE A$$holes of the highest possible scum imaginable. Their brains are totally insane. They need to be eradicated from the face of this earth and Jordan has finally realized this.

How many Brown’s does it take to pull a plug?

Cissy Houston, the mother of the late Whitney Houston and grandmother to the ailing Bobbi Kristina Brown, has arrived at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, and is at her granddaughter's side.
I’m getting tired of seeing Bobbi Kristina in the news. Where were her father, grandmother, and cousins for the last 3 years when she really needed support? Why is this girl making news anyway? There are 100's of people who overdose and she gets the spotlight. She should get it for being the dumbest idiot in the world. She was given the world. She had all the money in the world and the opportunities. She smoked, injected, or snorted the money. That to me is not worthy of getting the spotlight. 

Bobby Brown is adamant ... he doesn't want to take his daughter off life support. His feelings are not shared by doctors, who have advised him she will not improve and pulling life support is an appropriate action. How many Houston and Brown relatives will sell stories/pictures to the tabloids before they pull the plug??? These people remind me of the Jackson family. When she's long gone, they'll be filing lawsuits every which way and still be rolling the corpse for a buck.

King Abdullah the badass

Jordan's King Abdullah II, a former commander of his country's special forces , angrily vowed to bombard the Islamic State until his military runs "out of fuel and bullets" after the release of a brutal video showing a captured Jordanian being burned alive in a cage.
King Abdullah II has balls and shows his face. Jihad John and his comrades are cowards who hide behind masks. They don't even know what they are trying to accomplish except to make movies on how brutal, sadistic and cowardly they are. The pilot died a horrible death, but his death seems to be the catalyst that got the ball rolling on actually going after them.
Something you don't see in this day and age; a warrior king! This isn't posturing either! An Arab neighbor taking care of an Arab problem; it's about time! King Abdullah II, have no Mercy on no one. You are truly your ‎Dads Son.
ISIS just has to keep screwing with everybody from different countries. The Japanese never get involved in anything. Their people did nothing to the Middle East. So, they keep grabbing people from different countries and what did they expect? Did they think everyone was going to put up with their shit and just roll over?

Bay of Ukraine or Bay of Pigs

ukraine bay of pigs
US senators from both parties renewed calls Thursday for President Obama to boost military aid to Ukraine, while criticizing Europe's approach to the crisis. Congress last December authorized $350 million in lethal and other weaponry to Ukraine including anti-artillery radar, surveillance drones and communications equipment.
Is it smart to arm Ukraine? Everyone thought it was smart to arm Afghanistan vs. Russia and Iraq vs. Iran, but we have seen how that ended up. Remember this folks, if we get involved and arm them, don't get angry when Russia decides to arm someone that is at odds with one of our allies. When you put your noses into other peoples affairs there are other consequences that come with it. I remember a time when we almost got into a nuclear conflict over Russia arming Cuba.
We have subsidized the defense of Europe for nearly seven decades now. It is high time they paid for their own defense. Let the EU supply them with arms and equipment. This is bipartisan stupidity. Getting involved with a war on Russia's doorstep is lunacy. We can't win it.
Remember, our politicians are getting rich off this military contract money, so of course they will push for war. They should all be tried in court and sentenced to hang like the terrorist thugs they are.

Vaccinate or Vacci-hate

They’re your kids. You can do what you want with them, right? Actually, no. The wonderful American tradition of individual liberty stops well short of the entitlements claimed by the parents opposed to vaccinations who have contributed to the alarming measles outbreak centered in California
There's a reason why people with leprosy were exiled.  There's a reason why people who contracted tuberculosis were shut up in institutions.  It was so they wouldn't infect anyone else. And those diseases are pretty much gone from our society. So maybe we should exile non-vaccinated children who get sick so they can't hurt anyone else.  I'm beginning to think that the no vaccine crowd just don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.  I hear them saying "What if it hurts my child?" Well, what about all the other children?  What if their child hurts another by infecting them?  Will they do anything to help...or just walk away?
What about polio, will they not vaccinate against that.  Why don't they think about the children that cannot have the vaccine because of medical reasons, what happens to those children, who could be in life threatening conditions if contracting these preventable diseases. This is a public health issue, not a parent issue.
Unfortunately, this trivialization of liberty is not just an isolated phenomenon but a mushrooming national problem. In the most recently completed session of Congress, legislators introduced more than 20 bills invoking “liberty” and more than 150 in the cause of “freedom”.

TransAsia Dashcam goes bust

PH6 Dramatic dash-cam footage in Taiwan shows a TransAsia Airways plane scraping past a major highway moments before it careened into a shallow river, killing at least 26 people.  It was almost movie like. That's scary... With all the failed (or missing) planes over the last couple of years, I have a feeling there is a serious personnel problem within all these companies. Whether they have been hiring inexperienced people, letting go higher paid experienced people, or gotten just plain lazy I don't know - but there is clearly a problem worth investigating.
The crash marks the second tragedy involving one of TransAsia’s French-made ATR 72 planes in the past year. In July, a flight crashed while attempting to land on the island of Penghu off Taiwan's coast, killing 48 people and injuring another 10. 
But let’s be real here, for a plane to go down right after take-off with a pilot with such high numbers of flight hours is highly unusual. Did the pilot do everything he could? This reminds me of losing control of your car. Your instincts and experience take over, but very quickly you realize you can only do so much. I couldn't imagine what those passengers went through, especially those who had the misfortune of the window seat giving them a full view of the road and passing cars.

Vaccinate – I support your right to be an idiot

vaccine autism You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you, but it’s your right to do so if you want to. Amazing how these dumb liberals don't get that concept, the concept of personal freedom. Additionally the dumb hippies are the ones not getting their children vacations. What state is the worst for vacations? Washington. What state is the best? Mississippi. I support your right to be an idiot.

No one has ever claimed any vaccine is 100% safe. What the medical community agrees on is without modern vaccination our population would be 1/2 what it is as millions would have continue to die. Vaccinations DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM! 100's of millions of people have been vaccinated over decades and decades. Autism is a recent development and not matter how many times Jenny McCarthy quotes some quack, it will never end up being true. Obviously something is causing this at these new alarming rates but it is not vaccinations. I say it can be attributed to the gross amounts of chemicals that in our food that wasn't in it 20 years ago. Now they want to point the finger at something, someone, anything and vaccines become the target? It’s bad; something that can prevent a child's death? Insanity!

Small pox is eradicated from the world and is "NEVER" going to come back. Does anyone know why? We must vaccinate the whole world against measles. Sounds impossible? Nothing is impossible if we put our money where it is needed the most. If we can do it for small pox we can do it for viral diseases. Let's "NOT" forget we are increasingly becoming part of global unit day by day. Once they are all eradicated we don't need to vaccinate anyone anymore "EVER", just like we don't vaccinate anyone for small pox anymore.

Oh Lord Allah, there’s a fire

isis united states The burning alive of the Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh inside a cage by ISIS clearly and publicly states that there is no god or religion involved. The Islamic religion forbids burning of the human body, dead or alive. This is what happens when morons interpret scripture. They either need to be educated or annihilated. God is out of the picture – He wants no part of ISIS

This killing was not done yesterday. The video must have been recorded a month ago as reported by Jordanian authorities. That´s why Jordan wanted prove of his existence. The graphics and the way the video is made are like a movie and must had taken a bit of time to make. The pilot was killed long before and they were just playing psychological games with the Jordanians.

They are nothing but glorified sadistic murderers who use the Muslim religion to hide behind their barbaric attacks on innocent people. The time has come to totally destroy ISIS and other terrorist organization, whether Muslim or not. If they are violent in any way they must be killed period. Allowing for them to gain a foothold and carry out the crimes that they have been should have every American angry that their government hasn't stepped in to wipe them out. Pussyfooting only makes them stronger and more bodies to be added to the funeral pyre that is Iraq.
Why is the United States taking so long to do something? They spend so much time on the petty things that there seems to be nothing for the big things. People are being brutally murdered on film and yet all the American government does is talk about how horrible it is. Stop talking and do something!

Bobbi Kristina – Momma I’m Coming

Bobbi Kristina BrownIt's a quiet Sunday outside of the hospital in Roswell, Georgia, where Bobbi Kristina Brown's family is by her side as she lies in a medically induced coma.  Her father, Bobby Brown, husband Nick Gordon and other family members have been advised to prepare for the worst and that the longer the 21-year-old remains in the coma, the more likely it will be that she will not regain consciousness

It’s very sad, but not really that surprising.  Look at her role model parents.  The addictions of those around you whether it be friends or family either disgust you into never becoming like them or make you want to join them. Seems she wants to join her mother.  The saddest thing is that suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem.  Young people, especially those who have lost loved ones to suicide, need to be very carefully counseled as they are at a much higher risk of making this choice in a moment of despair and weakness.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown were two of the biggest stars in the music industry during the 80s and early 90s.  All those big #1 hits...all those millions of dollars... Most of it went up their noses, and they refused to stop even after they had this kid.  So sad that a family blessed with so much ended up having so little.  Despite all their money and fame, Whitney and Bobby got the kid off to a very bad start.  What choice do you really have as a kid when you grow up with parents who're snorting coke and smoking crack around you all the time? It really is a shame to see such a pretty young life have to go through such hard times. No matter what your opinion of Whitney and Bobby is, this is sad.

Russian Stooge in the Ukraine – Jew or Mongol?

russian jewsUkraine's pro-Russian rebel chief on Monday branded the country's leaders "miserable" Jews in an apparent anti-Semitic jibe.  Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, claimed that Kiev's pro-Western leaders were "miserable representatives of the great Jewish people".  When you're grossly in the wrong and guilty as sin blame the Jews for all that is wrong in the world.  What a stupid remark on more than one level - considering also that the Russian state and leadership has no problems dealing with modern Israel when it happens to suit them, and Putin was right there in Israel trying to do business on how many occasions since he's been in power?  
He is a Russian stooge and formerly unemployed nobody that betrayed his country and countrymen to be led by the nose of Putin.  Putin may be dangerous and without too many scruples, but one that he believes in is loyalty. Someone like Zakharchenko who switches sides is always tainted, no matter how useful in the short run. 
Imagine an American being able to say that in public.  Eastern Europe is freer than the West.  In Western Europe you would go to jail for saying that. Our Jewish friends want such laws for America too - confirming many of the so called stereotypes believed by the Slavic peoples who suffered under Jewish Communist rule.
Russia was ruled by Mongols for 500 years and the effects of the Mongol invasion were many, spread across the political, social, and religious facets of Russia.  The Russians, through the control of the Mongols who had adopted many ideas of government and economics from the Chinese, became perhaps a more Asiatic nation in terms of government, while the deep Christian roots of the Russians established and helped maintain a link with Europe.  It was the Mongol invasion which, perhaps more than any other historical event, helped to determine the course of development that Russian culture, political geography, history, and national identity would take.  Mentally and often physically Russians are Mongols.

Underinflated Super Bowl

super bowl football game
The Super Bowl kicks off Sunday as American football seeks to put a scandal-plagued season behind it.  In the early days of football it was a sport where your kids had respect for the players.  They were role models that didn't do drugs.  They didn't beat their girlfriends or wives. They didn't kill people or abuse animals.  There were always problems, but it does seem like there are more problems these days.  The term sportsmanship is hardly ever used anymore.

Some novice football fans will be tuning in mostly for the much-anticipated halftime show, which this year features pop princess Katy Perry and rocker Lenny Kravitz.  Who is really going to watch the halftime show besides those novice fans? Katy Perry appeals to teenage girls, not exactly the NFL Audience.  I'd like to check her footballs and see if they are the correct air pressure.  Her left one looks a little deflated.  The way this season has gone for the NFL I wouldn't be surprised if she takes the stage with a black eye and a nipple hanging out.  I can only imagine this being one of the worst and least watched halftime shows in history.

Parents take the family out to dinner and a movie.  Show the kids that the concept of 'cheating’ is not acceptable to most of us.  We will probably never know how many times over the years on cold days the Patriots used illegal (underinflated) footballs during the games to gain an advantage on the field.  Especially in close games where the slightest advantage could be the difference between a win and a loss.

For the life of me, I can't understand why they ruin the commercials by staging a football game around them. With all the bright lights and flashy gimmicks that are stuffed into each commercial these mini-movies can be much more entertaining than the game or the sad excuse for the halftime show that is also a terrible idea.

Shogun to the Rescue

japanese journalist beheaded The Japanese, who inhabit one of the safest countries in the world, have been brutally reminded that the world is a dangerous place.  In a shock to a country that can feel insulated from distant geopolitical problems, two of its own have reportedly been killed by Islamic radicals in Syria, the latest apparently beheaded in a video posted online this weekend by militant websites.

"Expect the unexpected", as an individual and as a country.  Times have changed and all of us need to adapt, the world must form an international anti-terror force directed towards ISIS.  Perhaps Japan can train a elite special operations unit to be collectively added to many other nations combat strike forces.  I suspect that in Japan there are organizations that have kept the ninja/samurai traditions and training alive  They probably work for the Yakuza.  What if a select group of those individuals join the Japanese army and were allowed to train with the Navy SEALs, trading knowledge and tactics?

The beheading of the Japanese journalist should have acted as a wake up call for the world to act against ISIS, yet we are contuining to pussy foot around dealing with this group. It looks like almost every other day there is a new video of ISIS beheading someone or acting up with other forms of barbarism. How much longer are we going to allow for this joke of a state to keep going this way?

Until the world resorts to fighting fire with fire this war with ISIS will never end.  We need to put our morals aside.  We need to do ethnic cleansing of the entire region.  If anyone has ties with ISIS of any kind or promotes ISIS they should be killed on site.  ISIS is doing the same to us.  I am sure this is going to get a few thumbs down; the truth hurts.

Being Bobbi Kristina

bobbi kristina brownBobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, was found unresponsive in a bathtub on Saturday.  Brown was revived on scene by local medical officials before being taken to North Fulton Hospital in Roswell, Georgia.  She was initially found unconscious by her husband, Nick Gordon.

The incident sounds eerily similar to the death of her mother, who was found dead in a Beverly Hills hotel bathroom in 2012.  She has had no guidance in her life for years, even before Whitney died.  I find it ironic that Whitney died almost 4yrs ago in the month of February and with the latest update on Bobbi Kristina it doesn't look good. Passing out in a tub while high on drugs not only means that there is something hurting her body but that the people around her may not be looking out for her best interests. She is someone who deserves to have a break.

She's only 21 and dealing with more demons than most people ever will.  Her mother was a world-famous superstar who lost it all - including her life- because of her unshakable drug addiction.  Her father is a self-absorbed deadbeat and never around.  Her other family members are mostly opportunists.  If it is found that she was on drugs or alcohol taking a bath and her husband was home; it seems really strange!

Hopefully she is able to pull through and overcome these demons. Most kids growing up have to deal with neighborhood bullies or their parents fighting. Bobbi Kristina Brown had to deal with her parents fighting on crack fueled rages and the media circuses that followed. While Whitney Houston may have been praised for her singing ability, when it comes to her parenting skills, she could have tried a little bit more. Nothing is for a kid to grow up feeling second to their parents addiction and lifestyle.

Yats the Rat

Arseniy Yatsenyuk.jpgA month of relative quiet in eastern Ukraine was shattered in early January by full-blown fighting as the separatists attempted to claw back additional territory from government hands.  Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said on Saturday that 1,000 residents have been evacuated in the past days from the city of Debaltseve.

"Yatsenyuk said in comments carried by his press office, "As soon as they (the rebels) see that we are evacuating the people, they open fire."

I notice Kiev is not mentioning the million plus civilians who have sought refuge in Russia, or the Kiev army conscripts who are fleeing across the Russian border.  They are Ukrainians whose only 'crime' seems to be they wanted to retain their language (which happens to be Russian) and not to be governed by a regime that came to power via an illegal coup d’état.

Believe it or not, the people of Ukraine don’t like being governed by pigs or having their native language outlawed by illegal bureaucrats. So they fight back.

The First Lady is an American Sniper

First Lady Michelle Obama urged Hollywood to give a more accurate portrayal of veterans and defended the Oscar-nominated "American Sniper," which has received criticism for its depiction of war.

In the last 100 years every war America has been involved in was manufactured even World War II, but that was something we needed to be in.  I will never fault anyone for going to war for what they believe is right.  I just wish people would think things through before being so eager to go to war.  The powers that control us always have an agenda whether it is money, power, resources, or politics they use our people like sheep to the slaughter.  Troops come back broken.
Chris Kyle was a man who volunteered to protect and defend his country. Only a small fraction of the population does so.  He was trained and placed into a combat situation by his country.  Now any combat soldier, sailor, or marine is expected to kill the enemy, which Kyle did in an extraordinary and efficient way.  He did it saving the lives of a great number of his fellow service men and women. For this he is condemned?

Where do these condemners come from?  Surely they can't call themselves Americans. They condemn a man for bearing a burden they would not touch.

Dazzle a Patriot to death

Aaron Hernandez “committed the crime of murder,” assistant District Attorney Patrick Bomberg asserted in opening arguments at the former New England Patriots star's murder trial -- and video surveillance, cell phone records and photographs “show the path” of the crime, he said.

Hernandez'sdefense attorney, Michael Fee, insisted his client lacked intent to murder and said the prosecutors are only trying to “dazzle and distract.” 

There was a damn good reason why he wanted him dead.  Aaron won't testify on his own behalf.  What he's banking on is that his defense will get him off the hook.  I think the evidence is too overwhelming.  It will be too much for Aaron’s defense to overcome.  He is much too smug to go for anything but an all or nothing defense.  Unless you're working the graveyard shift, nothing good happens at 2 in the morning.

You can take the man out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the man.  He had a great career, his life was set; but I guess that wasn't as fun as wanting to be a criminal.

We don't war, but we'll fight

The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah said on Friday his group did not want war with Israel but was ready for one, and reserved the right to respond to Israeli attacks anytime, anywhere.

"We do not want a warbut we are not afraid of it and we must distinguish between the two, and the Israelis must also understand this very well," Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said.

Hezbollah is fully armed and funded by Iran and claims to exist to "resist" Israeli "occupation".  Israel withdrew from 100% of internationally recognized Lebanon, but Hezbollah still exists.

They are the same as Hamas.  Both are Iran's tools (or is it stools) to provoke unrest.  Good news - Iran is now busy protecting Assad's regime and cannot be bothered to invest in another war.  Bad news – as soon as the nuke talks hit the fan (and they will), Iran will once again be motivated to start something with Israel to divert attention.

Fascinating that a terrorist organization based in Lebanon is holding press conferences... and the press actually reports what they say! What legal basis does Hezbollah have?  Does Lebanon as a country even exist? Do they have a government?

Ventura the Hero - NOT!!!!

"AmericanSniper" is tops at the box office but don't expect to see former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura lining up at a theater for it.  Ventura, a former Navy SEAL, won $1.8 million in a defamation lawsuit last year against the estate of the late Chris Kyle, the SEAL protagonist of the movie, which has sparked debate over whether snipers should be considered heroes.  Ventura said Wednesday he won't see the film partly because Kyle is no hero to him.
It is a movie, not a documentary so everyone lighten up.  If you don't want to see it, then don't.

It is based on an actual story, but as all movies of this like they do not claim to be factual and irrefutable.  Poetic license as usual.  I don't really think anyone stood on the bow of the Titanic or you can get 20 shots out of a revolver like the westerns.  It was made to make money and it is apparently doing that.

I am more inclined to believe Kyle than Ventura.  Kyle is not the experienced liar that Ventura is. After careers as a professional wrestler and a politician, Ventura has lying perfected as an art form.  The "honorable" thing for Ventura to have done, after Kyle was killed, would have been to have accepted the fact that his lawsuit against Kyle's wife and children was dishonorable in and of itself, drop the whole matter and asked her what she needed from him to help look out for the kids.