A meeting aimed at easing tensions between blacks and police in St. Louis erupted into a brawl on Wednesday night, underscoring the ongoing anger that persists in the area after the August police killing of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown.

Just like the march for justice, BEFORE the investigation, here’s a lynch mob. We want these people removed.  No justification, just do what we say/want and that would make things better.  How about teaching your children to respect the law, not to holdup a store for cigars, not walk down the middle of the street and smack the policeman through the window, and not to try to take that officers gun, not to break windows, and rob stores, just because you are mad about something.

If you are provoked to be violent simply by someone else having an opposing viewpoint to yours then I have news for you, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.  I have no problem with people peacefully protesting the shooting of Brown, I don't agree with their reasoning but I support their right.  When you become violent about it especially just because someone has a different opinion then you become the problem, no matter how passionately you believe in your cause.  These people in Ferguson causing all this violence and destruction over what I and MANY others consider to be a justified shooting are an embarrassment to their community and our country.

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