"AmericanSniper" is tops at the box office but don't expect to see former Minnesota
Gov. Jesse Ventura lining up at a theater for it. Ventura, a former Navy
SEAL, won $1.8 million in a defamation lawsuit last year against the estate of
the late Chris Kyle, the SEAL protagonist of the movie, which has sparked
debate over whether snipers should be considered heroes. Ventura said
Wednesday he won't see the film partly because Kyle is no hero to him.
It is a movie, not a
documentary so everyone lighten up. If you don't want to see it, then
It is based on an actual
story, but as all movies of this like they do not claim to be factual and
irrefutable. Poetic license as usual. I don't really think anyone
stood on the bow of the Titanic or you can get 20 shots out of a revolver like
the westerns. It was made to make money and it is apparently doing that.
I am more inclined to
believe Kyle than Ventura. Kyle is not the experienced liar that Ventura
is. After careers as a professional wrestler and a politician, Ventura has
lying perfected as an art form. The "honorable" thing for
Ventura to have done, after Kyle was killed, would have been to have accepted
the fact that his lawsuit against Kyle's wife and children was dishonorable in
and of itself, drop the whole matter and asked her what she needed from him to
help look out for the kids.